How she found us: Met Jenniece through my sister Ashley, ever since she has become more than someone who does great hair, she has become a good friend.
My experience: A master with her hands! She is beyond professional, and even beyond educated on hair. Before making my first appointment, I saw Ashley’s natural hair and was really impressed that she got the WORKS done! I’ve received three braid appointments and every time I am thrilled to see her bubbly personality, but even more excited for her to remember my hair length and texture from the previous appointment. She understands hair and not once did she complain about the nappy nap I have to deal with on a regular! She’s the only braider who has taken my hair care personally and never once asked me to “straighten my hair” prior to an appointment. I wait for the ending, the hair oil MY GOODNESS, feels like a fresh cold of water but on your scalp! From the price, to the quality, I recommend Jenneice 1000%!